While I do not practice Charlottesville Sensual Massage it is not uncommon for people to find massages to be sensual. But the intention of the massages that I offer is not to bring about sensual or sexual pleasure. The massages I provide are for purposes of relaxation and muscle pain relief and a general sense of well being.
If you happen to become aroused during a massage do not panic. It is not uncommon for men to become aroused during a massage. Massage may also cause women to become aroused, though the signs are typically less noticeable, and thus potentially less embarrassing. Regardless of gender there is not need to be insecure or ashamed of becoming aroused or getting an erection during a massage. It is a natural reaction to the pleasure that massage can bring and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
So put your fears and worry behind you. Come and relax and enjoy a non sensual massage in Charlottesville. And if you get an erection or become aroused while being touched, it is OK. It is natural. Just don't worry about it. No one else is worried. Just enjoy being relaxed and your fear will subside, as will your erection and arousal.